Gender Equity and Women’s Empowerment

Fair Trade USA™ recognizes gender equality and women’s empowerment as core to its model and as essential for sustainable change and impact.

Fair Trade Certified™ is an award-winning, rigorous, and globally recognized sustainable sourcing model that improves lives, protects the environment, and builds resilient, transparent supply chains.

When you see a product with the Fair Trade Certified seal, you can trust that it was made according to rigorous social, environmental, and economic standards that protect the livelihoods of farmer, fisher, and other producer communities.

Woven throughout those standards is our commitment to ensuring that women in communities and workplaces receive equal share in the benefits of their work. That includes ensuring not just equal pay, but also equal representation in leadership and decision-making power.

Download this report to learn more about:

  • The role of women in the production system and the challenges they face

  • How gender equality and women’s empowerment are core to our model and our approach to gender

  • How we monitor and evaluate fair trade's impact for women and girls